Pollen allergies

Pollen allergies are among the typical seasonal allergies. Depending on the weather, the reaction to early flowering plants comes early in January (hazel, alder, willow) or in April (birch) and then followed by grass, corn, etc. In late summer we are greeted by wormwood, ragweed, and similar. The highest concentration of pollen is in the air when it is sunny and dry. If the symptoms are the same even when the weather is wet, mold allergies should be suspected. A polluted environment can contribute to allergies becoming more aggressive and with stronger symptoms (1).

Heavy metals, pesticides, car exhaust, industrial smoke dust all change the pollen structure. Even when a patient is treated successfully, symptoms can return if environmental pollution changes drastically. Birch pollen is a good example of this phenomenon. Birch is a tree that cleans the air. Unfortunately, many environmental toxins are stored in birch leaves and pollen, causing allergic reactions.

Some people have a runny nose when they inhale the smell of freshly cut grass or flowers. In this case, we are not talking about a pollen allergy. The person can be successfully treated with bioresonance treatments.



Chronic allergies

Cow’s milk and wheat are food that people have been in constant contact with since early childhood. By daily contact with the allergen, a person develops a chronic allergy. The diagnosis of this type of allergy is difficult because no antibodies can be found in the blood (in most cases). This allergy is called a “hidden” allergy.

Chronic allergies manifest as chronic inflammation of the skin (eczema, neurodermatitis), mucous membranes (chronic sinusitis, bronchial asthma), digestive system (colitis), or other non-specific symptoms affecting muscles and joints (soft tissue rheumatism), bladder (irritable bladder) change of psyche (hyperactivity) (2). If a person completely eliminates cow’s milk and wheat from the diet for three days, they will notice a characteristic phenomenon: the allergy goes from “hidden” to “revealed”. The body now reacts to this food as an acute allergy. In many cases, it is a strong reaction.

In addition to milk and wheat, other substances that can cause chronic allergies are: mercury in amalgam fillings or candida fungus that causes intestinal mycosis (3).




The most common cause of neurodermatitis is a chronic allergy to cow’s milk and wheat. Daily consumption of these foods makes it difficult to notice the connection between consuming the same and the accompanying symptoms. In many cases, intestinal fungi(usually candida albicans) cause neurodermatitis (4).

Contact with soaps, creams, water, and dust can also cause allergies. In some children, triggers for allergies may be viral infections, reactions to vaccines, fluoride, medications, or amalgam (passed from mother to child during pregnancy).

Neurodermatitis in adults is usually more difficult to treat. The longer existence of the disease means that allergens and contaminations have accumulated over the years. Therapy takes more time and is much more complicated (4).



Bronchial asthma

Smoking, cold air, and allergies can cause a “hyperactive bronchial system”. In the case of bronchial asthma, there is a chronic inflammation of the mucosa. Chronic food allergies, fungi, or inhalation allergens can cause chronic inflammation. Chronic bronchitis lasting several years can lead to pulmonary emphysema. The body can compensate for stress and pressure for a long time until the “barrel” is overfilled and the person becomes ill (5).



Allergies and fungi

Our intestines are naturally populated with billions of bacteria that make up the intestinal flora. Yeasts, and especially Candida albicans and other forms of candida can also reside in the intestines, but in small doses. Positive intestinal bacteria keep them under control. If positive intestinal bacteria are killed or weak, then yeast fungi predominate. This condition is called intestinal mycosis. It can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle (too much sugar), heavy metals (e.g. mercury), and medications such as antibiotics, cortisone, and hormones. Gas (bloating), cramps, and irregular bowel movements accumulate in the intestines. Intestinal lymph nodes are toxic and lead to a weakened immune system that is much more susceptible to infections and less resistant (6).



Frequencies that interfere with the body

Many holistic therapists see the causes of allergies on a daily basis and their long-term negative effects on the organs leading to chronic diseases. The cells of the body are constantly under stress, and the body compensates for and repairs it on its own, but sooner or later the body’s immunity weakens and makes mistakes, and acts irrationally. The result is that the immune system no longer attacks the bacteria or virus but the food, pollen, or the body’s own cells.


  1. https://www.zzjzdnz.hr/hr/zdravlje/okolis-i-zdravlje/480
  2. https://www.nzjz-split.hr/index.php/sluzbe/sluzba-za-javno-zdravstvo-i-promicanje-zdravlja/28-jz-procitajte-i-ovo/14-alergijske-bolesti
  3. https://alternativa-za-vas.com/index.php/clanak/article/amalgamske-plombe-otrov-u-vashim-ustima
  4. https://www.krenizdravo.hr/zdravlje/neurodermatitis-uzroci-simptomi-i-lijecenje
  5. http://www.vasdoktor.com/medicina-od-a-do-z/pulmologija/1504-asthma-bronchiale-bronhijalna-astma
  6. https://www.plivazdravlje.hr/aktualno/clanak/19209/Kako-izgledaju-gljivicne-infekcije-koze-vlasista-i-noktiju.html

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