BICOM među svojim programima ima i protokol za rješavanje od ovisnosti.
Odvikavanje od pušenja
Tretmani se izvode naprednom metodom biorezonance i individualno su prilagođeni trenutnom stanju i potrebama svakog pojedinca. Tretmani su ugodni, potpuno bezbolni i bez štetnih nuspojava.
Stimulirajući akupunkturne točke izravno se djeluje na otklanjane uzroka ovisnosti i želje za cigaretom, što je iznimno bitno za ustrajanje u nepušenju i u periodu nakon završetka tretmana.
Detoksikacija organizma koja je uključena u tretman neophodna je za oslobađanje od nakupljenih toksina iz nikotinskog dima, katrana i ostalih komponenti koje cigarete sadrže, a jednako je važna za dugogodišnje pušače, kao i za one koji puše kraće vrijeme, ali su stekli ovisnost.
Uz terapijsku podršku neizmjerno se lakše prebrođuju prvi dani odluke i nepušačkog načina života, a uz paralelnu antistres terapiju balansiraju se čakre i emocije te se tijelo vraća u harmoniju.
Najčešće su za uspješnu terapiju dovoljna tri tretmana, naravno ako se pridržavate uputa terapeuta.
Ostale ovisnosti
Određene su vrste hrane i pića jaki stimulansi i stoga izravni uzročnici stresa. Takva prehrana prenapreže jetru i remeti razinu šećera u krvi te dugoročno može biti vrlo štetna.
- Caffeine and stress: implications for risk, assessment, and management of hypertension, 2001, T R Hartley 1, W R Lovallo, T L Whitsett, B H Sung, M F Wilson
- Stress vulnerability and alcohol use and consequences: From human laboratory studies to clinical outcomes, 2018, Vijay A Ramchandani 1, Bethany L Stangl 2, Sara K Blaine 3, Martin H Plawecki 4, Melanie L Schwandt 5, Laura E Kwako 5, Rajita Sinha 3, Melissa A Cyders 6, Sean O’Connor 7, Samir Zakhari 8
Stress and alcohol, 1985, R J Powers, I L Kutash
The two faces of alcohol myopia: attentional mediation of psychological stress, 1990, R A Josephs 1, C M Steele
Alcohol Dependence and Its Relationship With Insomnia and Other Sleep Disorders, 2016, Subhajit Chakravorty 1 2, Ninad S Chaudhary 3, Kirk J Brower 4
https://www.plivazdravlje.hr/aktualno/clanak/16084/Depresija-i-alkohol.html - Sugars and health: a review of current evidence and future policy, 2017, Charlotte Elizabeth Louise Evans 1
Sugar consumption, metabolic disease and obesity: The state of the controversy, 2016, Kimber L Stanhope 1 2
[Health effects of sugar consumption and possible alternatives], 2019, Bettina Karin Wölnerhanssen 1, Anne Christin Meyer-Gerspach 1
Impact of sugar on the body, brain, and behavior, 2018, Clara R Freeman 1, Amna Zehra 1, Veronica Ramirez 1, Corinde E Wiers 2, Nora D Volkow 2, Gene-Jack Wang 3
Sugar addiction: is it real? A narrative review, 2018, James J DiNicolantonio 1, James H O’Keefe 1, William L Wilson 2
The impact of sugar consumption on stress driven, emotional and addictive behaviors, 2019, Angela Jacques 1, Nicholas Chaaya 1, Kate Beecher 1, Syed Aoun Ali 1, Arnauld Belmer 1, Selena Bartlett 2
Sugar consumption and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A birth cohort study, 2019, Bianca Del-Ponte 1, Luciana Anselmi 2, Maria Cecília F Assunção 2, Luciana Tovo-Rodrigues 2, Tiago N Munhoz 2, Alicia Matijasevich 3, Luis Augusto Rohde 4, Iná S Santos 2
Excessive Consumption of Sugar: an Insatiable Drive for Reward, 2019, Pawel K Olszewski 1 2, Erin L Wood 2, Anica Klockars 2, Allen S Levine 3
[Harmful effects of sugar consumption on health], 2019, Robert Rodriguez-Vigouroux # 1, Laura Bergé # 1, François Pralong 2, Raffi Maghdessian 3
- [Hypoglycemia], 1989, A Fagulha
Managing hypoglycaemia, 2016, Ahmed Iqbal 1, Simon Heller 2
[Hypoglycemia: diagnostic approach], 1995, G Waeber 1, O Bonny, P Nicod
http://www.msd-prirucnici.placebo.hr/msd-za-pacijente/hormonski-poremecaji/hipoglikemija - Vegetarian diet, change in dietary patterns, and diabetes risk: a prospective study, 2018, Tina H T Chiu 1 2 3, Wen-Harn Pan 2 4, Ming-Nan Lin 5 6, Chin-Lon Lin 7 8
Vegetarian and vegan diets in type 2 diabetes management, 2009, Neal D Barnard 1, Heather I Katcher, David J A Jenkins, Joshua Cohen, Gabrielle Turner-McGrievy
Type of vegetarian diet, body weight, and prevalence of type 2 diabetes, 2009, Serena Tonstad 1, Terry Butler, Ru Yan, Gary E Fraser
Food Components and Dietary Habits: Keys for a Healthy Gut Microbiota Composition, 2019, Emanuele Rinninella 1 2, Marco Cintoni 3, Pauline Raoul 4, Loris Riccardo Lopetuso 5 6, Franco Scaldaferri 7 8, Gabriele Pulcini 9, Giacinto Abele Donato Miggiano 10 11, Antonio Gasbarrini 12 13, Maria Cristina Mele 14 15
https://www.mirovina.hr/zdravlje/tri-namirnice-koje-ce-vam-pomoci-regulirati-razinu-secera-u-krvi/ - Salt Sensitivity of Blood Pressure: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association, 2016, Fernando Elijovich, Myron H Weinberger, Cheryl A M Anderson, Lawrence J Appel, Michael Bursztyn, Nancy R Cook, Richard A Dart, Christopher H Newton-Cheh, Frank M Sacks, Cheryl L Laffer, American Heart Association Professional and Public Education Committee of the Council on Hypertension; Council on Functional Genomics and Translational Biology; and Stroke Council
Stress, salt and hypertension, 1988, J P Henry 1
https://www.zzjzdnz.hr/hr/zdravlje/hrana-i-zdravlje/888 - Dietary and Policy Priorities for Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Obesity: A Comprehensive Review, 2016, Dariush Mozaffarian 1
The relation of saturated fatty acids with low-grade inflammation and cardiovascular disease, 2016, Begoña Ruiz-Núñez 1, D A Janneke Dijck-Brouwer 2, Frits A J Muskiet 2
Egg consumption and heart health: A review, 2017, Zachary S Clayton 1, Elizabeth Fusco 2, Mark Kern 3
https://www.krenizdravo.hr/prehrana/dobre-i-lose-masti-naucite-ih-raspoznavati - Allergenicity of milk of different animal species in relation to human milk, 2016, Robert Pastuszka 1, Joanna Barłowska 1, Zygmunt Litwińczuk 2
Cow’s milk allergenicity, 2014, Sophia Tsabouri, Kostas Douros, Kostas N Priftis 1
https://vitabalans.fi/hr/vam-mlijeko-i-mlijecni-proizvodi-uzrokuju-probavne-smetnje/ - Red meat consumption and mood and anxiety disorders, 2012, Felice N Jacka, Julie A Pasco, Lana J Williams, Neil Mann, Allison Hodge, Laima Brazionis, Michael Berk
Anxiety is a potential effect modifier of the association between red and processed meat consumption and cancer risk: findings from the NutriNet-Santé cohort, 2020, Marie Beslay 1, Bernard Srour 2, Mélanie Deschasaux 3, Edwin Fouché 1, Nathalie Naud 1, Valerie Bacquié 1, Françoise Guéraud 1, Valentina A Andreeva 3, Sandrine Péneau 3, Eloi Chazelas 3, Charlotte Debras 3, Serge Hercberg 3 4, Paule Latino-Martel 3, Vassilia Theodorou 1, Fabrice Pierre 1, Mathilde Touvier 3
Eating habits in relations to anxiety symptoms among apparently healthy adults. A pattern analysis from the ATTICA Study, 2008, Mary Yannakoulia 1, Demosthenes B Panagiotakos, Christos Pitsavos, Efi Tsetsekou, Evaggelia Fappa, Charalabos Papageorgiou, Christodoulos Stefanadis - Whole grain and refined grain consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of cohort studies, 2013, Dagfinn Aune 1, Teresa Norat, Pål Romundstad, Lars J Vatten
https://www.ceresa.hr/arhiva/12377/17-vrsta-preradene-hrane-koje-bi-bilo-dobro-izbjegavati/ - Trans fatty acids and cardiovascular disease, 2006, Dariush Mozaffarian 1, Martijn B Katan, Alberto Ascherio, Meir J Stampfer, Walter C Willett
New data on harmful effects of trans-fatty acids, 2016, E Ginter, V Simko
Trans-Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease: Urgent Need for Legislation, 2017, Mateusz M Wilczek 1, Robert Olszewski, Andrzej Krupienicz
Global Surveillance of trans-Fatty Acids, 2019, Chaoyang Li 1, Laura K Cobb 2, Hubert W Vesper 3, Samira Asma 4
https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/fats/trans-fat - Adverse reactions to food additives, 2005, Brian G Wilson 1, Sami L Bahna
[Food additives and healthiness], 2014, Marina Heinonen